Azook Directory

Azook's Terms of Service

Azook Directory - Terms of Service

Payment for submission does not guarantee inclusion. We charge a submission fee to cover the time involved with reviewing a website to ensure it meets our quality guidelines for approval, not for listing it. Examples of websites we will not list include, but are not limited to: gambling, pornography, hate groups, spammy or made for ads, low on content, scraper, or any other site that's not an asset to the internet. Ultimately, it's up to editor's descretion.

When suggesting a website, take care to write a good description and a short, accurate title. We reserve the right to modify any suggested website's information, including the category submitted to. We will not list a website into a top level category. If you submit a site to a top level category, it will be moved to the most appropriate subcategory. If one does not exist, we will create it for you. Ultimately, the category your site is listed in is up to editor's descretion.